var x0=0,y0=0,x1=0,y1=0; var offx=2,offy=10; var moveable=false; var hover='yellow',normal='gray';//color; var index=10000;//z-index; timermoveleft=0; timermoveright=0; //开始拖动; function startDrag(obj) { //锁定标题栏; obj.setCapture(); //定义对象; //记录鼠标和层位置; x0 = event.clientX; y0 = event.clientY; x1 = parseInt(; y1 = parseInt(; //记录颜色; normal =; //改变风格; = hover;"pointer"; = hover; obj.cells[1].style.color="black";"";""; moveable = true; } //拖动; function drag(obj) {if (moveable) { = x1 + event.clientX - x0; = y1 + event.clientY - y0;}} //停止拖动; function stopDrag(obj) { = normal; = normal;"move"; obj.cells[1].style.color="white";"none";"none"; //放开标题栏; obj.releaseCapture(); moveable = false; offx = parseInt(,10) - document.body.scrollLeft; offy = parseInt(,10) - document.body.scrollTop; moveleftlayer(); } //获得焦点; function min(obj) { var flg ="none"; if(flg) {"";obj.src = "images/mini.gif";} else {"none";obj.src = "images/rest.gif";} } function cls(obj) {"none"; if (timermoveleft!=0) clearTimeout(timermoveleft);if (timermoveright!=0) clearTimeout(timermoveright);} //创建一个对象; 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= LayerTop; timeoutNextCheck = 50; } if (1<=Math.abs(xMenuTo - xMenuFrom)) { xOffset = Math.ceil(Math.abs(xMenuTo - xMenuFrom) / 20); if (xMenuTo < xMenuFrom) {xOffset = -xOffset;} LayerLeft = parseInt (layer.left, 10) + xOffset; layer.left = LayerLeft; timeoutNextCheck = 50; } timermoveleft=setTimeout("moveleftlayer()", timeoutNextCheck); if (jq('#kkl2').text()=='') {if (timermoveleft!=0) clearTimeout(timermoveleft);return;}; } function moverightlayer() { if (typeof(rightlayer)!="undefined") { var layer = eval("") xMenuFrom = parseInt (layer.left, 10); // xMenuTo = mainbody.scrollLeft+document.body.clientWidth-rightlayer.offsetWidth; xMenuTo = document.body.scrollLeft+document.body.clientWidth-rightlayer.offsetWidth; yMenuFrom = parseInt (, 10); yMenuTo = document.body.scrollTop+document.body.clientHeight-rightlayer.offsetHeight/2-document.body.clientHeight/2; timeoutNextCheck = 1000; if (1<=Math.abs(yMenuTo - yMenuFrom)) { yOffset = Math.ceil(Math.abs(yMenuTo - yMenuFrom) / 20); if (yMenuTo < yMenuFrom) {yOffset = -yOffset;} LayerTop = parseInt (, 10) + yOffset; = LayerTop; timeoutNextCheck = 50; } if (1<=Math.abs(xMenuTo - xMenuFrom)) { xOffset = Math.ceil(Math.abs(xMenuTo - xMenuFrom) / 20); if (xMenuTo < xMenuFrom) {xOffset = -xOffset;} LayerLeft = parseInt (layer.left, 10) + xOffset; layer.left = LayerLeft; timeoutNextCheck = 50; } timermoveright=setTimeout ("moverightlayer()", timeoutNextCheck); } } /** * FlashObject v1.3d: Flash detection and embed - * * FlashObject is (c) 2006 Geoff Stearns and is released under the MIT License: * * */ if(typeof com=="undefined"){var com=new Object();} if(typeof com.deconcept=="undefined"){com.deconcept=new Object();} if(typeof com.deconcept.util=="undefined"){com.deconcept.util=new Object();} if(typeof com.deconcept.FlashObjectUtil=="undefined"){com.deconcept.FlashObjectUtil=new Object();} com.deconcept.FlashObject=function(_1,id,w,h,_5,c,_7,_8,_9,_a,_b){ if(!document.createElement||!document.getElementById){return;} this.DETECT_KEY=_b?_b:"detectflash"; this.skipDetect=com.deconcept.util.getRequestParameter(this.DETECT_KEY); 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this.addVariable("MMredirectURL",escape(this.getAttribute("xiRedirectUrl"))); document.title=document.title.slice(0,47)+" - Flash Player Installation"; this.addVariable("MMdoctitle",document.title);} }else{this.setAttribute("doExpressInstall",false);} if(this.skipDetect||this.getAttribute("doExpressInstall")||this.installedVer.versionIsValid(this.getAttribute("version"))){ var n=(typeof _23=="string")?document.getElementById(_23):_23; n.innerHTML=this.getFlashHTML(); }else{if(this.getAttribute("redirectUrl")!=""){document.location.replace(this.getAttribute("redirectUrl"));}}}}; com.deconcept.FlashObjectUtil.getPlayerVersion=function(_26,_27){ var _28=new com.deconcept.PlayerVersion(0,0,0); if(navigator.plugins&&navigator.mimeTypes.length){ var x=navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]; if(x&&x.description){_28=new com.deconcept.PlayerVersion(x.description.replace(/([a-z]|[A-Z]|\s)+/,"").replace(/(\s+r|\s+b[0-9]+)/,".").split("."));} }else{ try{var axo=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"); for(var i=3;axo!=null;i++){ axo=new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash."+i); _28=new com.deconcept.PlayerVersion([i,0,0]);}} catch(e){} if(_26&&_28.major>_26.major){return _28;} if(!_26||((_26.minor!=0||_26.rev!=0)&&_28.major==_26.major)||_28.major!=6||_27){ try{ _28=new com.deconcept.PlayerVersion(axo.GetVariable("$version").split(" ")[1].split(",")); }catch(e){}}} return _28; }; com.deconcept.PlayerVersion=function(_2c){ this.major=parseInt(_2c[0])||0; this.minor=parseInt(_2c[1])||0; this.rev=parseInt(_2c[2])||0; }; com.deconcept.PlayerVersion.prototype.versionIsValid=function(fv){ if(this.majorfv.major){return true;} if(this.minorfv.minor){return true;} if(this.rev-1)?q.indexOf("&",_30):q.length; if(q.length>1&&_30>-1){ return q.substring(q.indexOf("=",_30)+1,_31);}}return ""; },removeChildren:function(n){ while(n.hasChildNodes()){ n.removeChild(n.firstChild);}}}; if(Array.prototype.push==null){ Array.prototype.push=function(_33){ this[this.length]=_33; return this.length;};} var getQueryParamValue=com.deconcept.util.getRequestParameter; var FlashObject=com.deconcept.FlashObject; //菜单程序 mtDropDown.spacerGif = "../images/none.gif"; mtDropDown.dingbatOn = "../images/e_sub.gif"; mtDropDown.dingbatOff = "../images/n_sub.gif"; mtDropDown.dingbatSize = 12; mtDropDown.menuPadding = 0; mtDropDown.itemPadding = 3; mtDropDown.shadowSize = 1; mtDropDown.shadowOffset = 1; mtDropDown.shadowColor = "#B30000"; mtDropDown.backgroundColor = "#ffffff"; mtDropDown.hideDelay = 200; mtDropDown.slideTime = 200; mtDropDown.pd_mouse=0; mtDropDown.reference = {topLeft:-16,topRight:2,bottomLeft:3,bottomRight:4}; mtDropDown.direction = {down:1,right:2}; mtDropDown.registry = []; mtDropDown._maxZ = 210; mtDropDown.isSupported = function() { if (typeof mtDropDown.isSupported.r == "boolean") return mtDropDown.isSupported.r; var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var an = navigator.appName; var r = false; if (ua.indexOf("gecko") > -1) r = true; else if (an == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { if (document.getElementById) r = true; } mtDropDown.isSupported.r = r; return r; } mtDropDown.initialize = function() { for (var i = 0, menu = null; menu = this.registry[i]; i++) { menu.initialize(); } } mtDropDown.renderAll = function() { var aMenuHtml = []; for (var i = 0, menu = null; menu = this.registry[i]; i++) { aMenuHtml[i] = menu.toString(); } document.write(aMenuHtml.join("")); } function mtDropDown(oActuator, iDirection, iLeft, iTop, iReferencePoint, parentMenuSet) { this.addItem = addItem; this.addMenu = addMenu; this.toString = toString; this.initialize = initialize; this.isOpen = false; = show; this.hide = hide; this.items = []; this.onactivate = new Function(); this.ondeactivate = new Function(); this.onmouseover = new Function(); this.onqueue = new Function(); this.index = mtDropDown.registry.length; mtDropDown.registry[this.index] = this; var id = "mtDropDown" + this.index; var contentHeight = null; var contentWidth = null; var childMenuSet = null; var animating = false; var childMenus = []; var slideAccel = -1; var elmCache = null; var ready = false; var _this = this; var a = null; var pos = iDirection == mtDropDown.direction.down ? "top" : "left"; var dim = null; // sText:显示的文字,sUrl:网站地址,sNew:是否打开新窗口 1-是,0-否 function addItem(sText, sUrl, sNew, sImg) { var item = new mtDropDownItem(sText, sUrl, sNew ,sImg, this); item._index = this.items.length; this.items[item._index] = item; } function addMenu(oMenuItem) { if (!oMenuItem.parentMenu == this) throw new Error("Cannot add a menu here"); if (childMenuSet == null) childMenuSet = new mtDropDownSet(mtDropDown.direction.right, -5, 2, mtDropDown.reference.topRight); var m = childMenuSet.addMenu(oMenuItem); childMenus[oMenuItem._index] = m; m.onmouseover = child_mouseover; m.ondeactivate = child_deactivate; m.onqueue = child_queue; return m; } function initialize() { initCache(); initEvents(); initSize(); ready = true; } function show() { if (ready) { _this.isOpen = true; animating = true; setContainerPos(); elmCache["clip"].style.visibility = "visible"; elmCache["clip"].style.zIndex = mtDropDown._maxZ++; slideStart(); _this.onactivate(); } } function hide() { if (ready && mtDropDown.pd_mouse==0) { _this.isOpen = false; animating = true; for (var i = 0, item = null; item = elmCache.item[i]; i++) dehighlight(item); if (childMenuSet) childMenuSet.hide(); slideStart(); _this.ondeactivate(); } } function setContainerPos() { var sub = oActuator.constructor == mtDropDownItem; var act = sub ? oActuator.parentMenu.elmCache["item"][oActuator._index] : oActuator; var el = act; var m_x = 0; var m_y = 0; var minX = 0; var maxX = (window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : document.body.clientWidth) - parseInt(elmCache["clip"].style.width); var minY = 0; var maxY = (window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : document.body.clientHeight) - parseInt(elmCache["clip"].style.height); while (sub ? el.parentNode.className.indexOf("mtDropdownMenu") == -1 : el.offsetParent) { m_x += el.offsetLeft; m_y += el.offsetTop; if (el.scrollLeft) m_x -= el.scrollLeft; if (el.scrollTop) m_y -= el.scrollTop; el = el.offsetParent; } if (oActuator.constructor == mtDropDownItem) { m_x += parseInt(; m_y += parseInt(; } switch (iReferencePoint) { case mtDropDown.reference.topLeft: break; case mtDropDown.reference.topRight: m_x += act.offsetWidth; break; case mtDropDown.reference.bottomLeft: m_y += act.offsetHeight; break; case mtDropDown.reference.bottomRight: m_x += act.offsetWidth; m_y += act.offsetHeight; break; } m_x += iLeft; m_y += iTop; m_x = Math.max(Math.min(m_x, maxX), minX)-1; m_y = Math.max(Math.min(m_y, maxY), minY)-1; elmCache["clip"].style.left = m_x + "px"; elmCache["clip"] = m_y + "px"; } function slideStart() { var m_x0 = parseInt(elmCache["content"].style[pos]); var m_x1 = _this.isOpen ? 0 : -dim; if (a != null) a.stop(); a = new Accelimation(m_x0, m_x1, mtDropDown.slideTime, slideAccel); a.onframe = slideFrame; a.onend = slideEnd; a.start(); } function slideFrame(m_x) { elmCache["content"].style[pos] = m_x + "px"; } function slideEnd() { if (!_this.isOpen) elmCache["clip"].style.visibility = "hidden"; animating = false; } function initSize() { var ow = elmCache["items"].offsetWidth; var oh = elmCache["items"].offsetHeight; var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); elmCache["clip"].style.width = ow + mtDropDown.shadowSize + 2 + "px"; elmCache["clip"].style.height = oh + mtDropDown.shadowSize + 2 + "px"; elmCache["content"].style.width = ow + mtDropDown.shadowSize + "px"; elmCache["content"].style.height = oh + mtDropDown.shadowSize + "px"; contentHeight = oh + mtDropDown.shadowSize; contentWidth = ow + mtDropDown.shadowSize; dim = iDirection == mtDropDown.direction.down ? contentHeight : contentWidth; elmCache["content"].style[pos] = -dim - mtDropDown.shadowSize + "px"; elmCache["clip"].style.visibility = "hidden"; if (ua.indexOf("mac") == -1 || ua.indexOf("gecko") > -1) { elmCache["background"].style.width = ow + "px"; elmCache["background"].style.height = oh + "px"; elmCache["background"].style.backgroundColor = mtDropDown.backgroundColor; elmCache["shadowRight"].style.left = ow + "px"; elmCache["shadowRight"].style.height = oh - (mtDropDown.shadowOffset - mtDropDown.shadowSize) + "px"; elmCache["shadowRight"].style.backgroundColor = mtDropDown.shadowColor; elmCache["shadowBottom"] = oh + "px"; elmCache["shadowBottom"].style.width = ow - mtDropDown.shadowOffset + "px"; elmCache["shadowBottom"].style.backgroundColor = mtDropDown.shadowColor; } else { elmCache["background"].firstChild.src = mtDropDown.backgroundPng; elmCache["background"].firstChild.width = ow; elmCache["background"].firstChild.height = oh; elmCache["shadowRight"].firstChild.src = mtDropDown.shadowPng; elmCache["shadowRight"].style.left = ow + "px"; elmCache["shadowRight"].firstChild.width = mtDropDown.shadowSize; elmCache["shadowRight"].firstChild.height = oh - (mtDropDown.shadowOffset - mtDropDown.shadowSize); elmCache["shadowBottom"].firstChild.src = mtDropDown.shadowPng; elmCache["shadowBottom"] = oh + "px"; elmCache["shadowBottom"].firstChild.height = mtDropDown.shadowSize; elmCache["shadowBottom"].firstChild.width = ow - mtDropDown.shadowOffset; } } function initCache() { var menu = document.getElementById(id); var all = menu.all ? menu.all : menu.getElementsByTagName("*"); elmCache = {}; elmCache["clip"] = menu; elmCache["item"] = []; for (var i = 0, elm = null; elm = all[i]; i++) { switch (elm.className) { case "items": case "content": case "background": case "shadowRight": case "shadowBottom": elmCache[elm.className] = elm; break; case "item": elm._index = elmCache["item"].length; elmCache["item"][elm._index] = elm; break; } } _this.elmCache = elmCache; } function initEvents() { for (var i = 0, item = null; item = elmCache.item[i]; i++) { item.onmouseover = item_mouseover; item.onmouseout = item_mouseout; item.onclick = item_click; } if (typeof oActuator.tagName != "undefined") { oActuator.onmouseover = actuator_mouseover; oActuator.onmouseout = actuator_mouseout; } elmCache["content"].onmouseover = content_mouseover; elmCache["content"].onmouseout = content_mouseout; } function highlight(oRow) { oRow.className = "item hover"; if (childMenus[oRow._index]) oRow.lastChild.firstChild.src = mtDropDown.dingbatOn; } function dehighlight(oRow) { oRow.className = "item"; if (childMenus[oRow._index]) oRow.lastChild.firstChild.src = mtDropDown.dingbatOff; } function item_mouseover() { if (!animating) { highlight(this); if (childMenus[this._index]) childMenuSet.showMenu(childMenus[this._index]); else if (childMenuSet) childMenuSet.hide(); } } function item_mouseout() { if (!animating) { if (childMenus[this._index]) childMenuSet.hideMenu(childMenus[this._index]); else dehighlight(this); } } function item_click() { if (!animating) { if (_this.items[this._index].url) if (_this.items[this._index].newWin) {[this._index].url,"_blank"); } else { location.href = _this.items[this._index].url; } } } function actuator_mouseover() { parentMenuSet.showMenu(_this); } function actuator_mouseout() { parentMenuSet.hideMenu(_this); } function content_mouseover() { if (!animating) { parentMenuSet.showMenu(_this); _this.onmouseover(); } } function content_mouseout() { if (!animating) { parentMenuSet.hideMenu(_this); } } function child_mouseover() { if (!animating) { parentMenuSet.showMenu(_this); } } function child_deactivate() { for (var i = 0; i < childMenus.length; i++) { if (childMenus[i] == this) { dehighlight(elmCache["item"][i]); break; } } } function child_queue() { parentMenuSet.hideMenu(_this); } function toString() { var aHtml = []; var sClassName = "mtDropdownMenu" + (oActuator.constructor != mtDropDownItem ? " top" : ""); for (var i = 0, item = null; item = this.items[i]; i++) { aHtml[i] = item.toString(childMenus[i]); } return '' + '' + aHtml.join('') + '
' + '' + '' + '' + '
'; } } mtDropDownSet.registry = []; function mtDropDownSet(iDirection, iLeft, iTop, iReferencePoint) { this.addMenu = addMenu; this.showMenu = showMenu; this.hideMenu = hideMenu; this.hide = hide; var menus = []; var _this = this; var current = null; this.index = mtDropDownSet.registry.length; mtDropDownSet.registry[this.index] = this; function addMenu(oActuator) { var m = new mtDropDown(oActuator, iDirection, iLeft, iTop, iReferencePoint, this); menus[menus.length] = m; return m; } function showMenu(oMenu) { if (oMenu != current) { if (current != null) hide(current); current = oMenu;; } else { cancelHide(oMenu); } } function hideMenu(oMenu) { if (current == oMenu && oMenu.isOpen) { if (!oMenu.hideTimer) scheduleHide(oMenu); } } function scheduleHide(oMenu) { oMenu.onqueue(); oMenu.hideTimer = window.setTimeout("mtDropDownSet.registry[" + _this.index + "].hide(mtDropDown.registry[" + oMenu.index + "])", mtDropDown.hideDelay); } function cancelHide(oMenu) { if (oMenu.hideTimer) { window.clearTimeout(oMenu.hideTimer); oMenu.hideTimer = null; } } function hide(oMenu) { if (!oMenu && current) oMenu = current; if (oMenu && current == oMenu && oMenu.isOpen) { cancelHide(oMenu); current = null; oMenu.hideTimer = null; oMenu.hide(); } } } function mtDropDownItem(sText, sUrl, sNew, sImg, oParent) { this.toString = toString; this.text = sText; this.url = sUrl; this.newWin = sNew; this.parentMenu = oParent; this.img=sImg; function toString(bDingbat) { var sDingbat = bDingbat ? mtDropDown.dingbatOff : mtDropDown.spacerGif; var iEdgePadding = mtDropDown.itemPadding + mtDropDown.menuPadding+2; var sPaddingLeft = "padding:" + mtDropDown.itemPadding + "px; padding-left:" + iEdgePadding + "px;" var sPaddingRight = "padding:" + mtDropDown.itemPadding + "px; padding-right:0px;" var sIcon="   "; var ret_string=""; var ret_value; if (sImg!=null && sImg!="") sIcon=''; if (sUrl=='#') ret_string=" style=display:none"; ret_value=''+sIcon+'' + sText + '' + ''; if (sText=='#' || sText==' #') ret_value=''+sIcon+'
'; return ret_value; } } function Accelimation(from, to, time, zip) { if (typeof zip == "undefined") zip = 0; if (typeof unit == "undefined") unit = "px"; this.m_x0 = from; this.m_x1 = to; this.dt = time; = -zip; this.unit = unit; this.timer = null; this.onend = new Function(); this.onframe = new Function(); } Accelimation.prototype.start = function() { this.t0 = new Date().getTime(); this.t1 = this.t0 + this.dt; var dx = this.m_x1 - this.m_x0; this.c1 = this.m_x0 + ((1 + * dx / 3); this.c2 = this.m_x0 + ((2 + * dx / 3); Accelimation._add(this); } Accelimation.prototype.stop = function() { Accelimation._remove(this); } Accelimation.prototype._paint = function(time) { if (time < this.t1) { var elapsed = time - this.t0; this.onframe(Accelimation._getBezier(elapsed/this.dt,this.m_x0,this.m_x1,this.c1,this.c2)); } else this._end(); } Accelimation.prototype._end = function() { Accelimation._remove(this); this.onframe(this.m_x1); this.onend(); } Accelimation._add = function(o) { var index = this.instances.length; this.instances[index] = o; if (this.instances.length == 1) { this.timerID = window.setInterval("Accelimation._paintAll()", this.targetRes); } } Accelimation._remove = function(o) { for (var i = 0; i < this.instances.length; i++) { if (o == this.instances[i]) { this.instances = this.instances.slice(0,i).concat( this.instances.slice(i+1) ); break; } } if (this.instances.length == 0) { window.clearInterval(this.timerID); this.timerID = null; } } Accelimation._paintAll = function() { var now = new Date().getTime(); for (var i = 0; i < this.instances.length; i++) { this.instances[i]._paint(now); } } Accelimation._B1 = function(t) { return t*t*t } Accelimation._B2 = function(t) { return 3*t*t*(1-t) } Accelimation._B3 = function(t) { return 3*t*(1-t)*(1-t) } Accelimation._B4 = function(t) { return (1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t) } Accelimation._getBezier = function(percent,startPos,endPos,control1,control2) { return endPos * this._B1(percent) + control2 * this._B2(percent) + control1 * this._B3(percent) + startPos * this._B4(percent); } Accelimation.instances = []; Accelimation.targetRes = 10; Accelimation.timerID = null; function dp_swf(swffile,div_id) { var obj_swf = new FlashObject(swffile, "swf_"+div_id, "100%", "100%", "8", "#FFFFFF"); obj_swf.addVariable("flashVarText", "请安装Flash8!"); obj_swf.addParam("scale", "ExactFit"); obj_swf.addParam("menu", "false"); obj_swf.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); obj_swf.write(div_id); } //首页脚本 self.moveTo(0,0); self.resizeTo(screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight); function overimg(obj,id){obj.src="images/o_know" + id + ".gif";} function outimg(obj,id){obj.src="images/know" + id + ".gif";} function fltlist(fkey,page,gid) {'/?action=/common/fltlist&groupid=' + gid + '&page=' + page + '&fltkey=' + fkey,function(data) {listwin.innerHTML=data;});} function fltjsda(fkey,page) {'/?action=/jsda/fltjsda&page=' + page + '&fltkey=' + fkey,function(data) {listwin.innerHTML=data;});} l_tips=false; function showTips( tips, time ){ s_top=parseInt(; var tipsDiv = '
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